Author Archives: monika_amaria

About monika_amaria

Just an otaku and an ordinary high school student :3 This blog contains stories that I make ^_^ Maybe not so good... :\ But I hope you guys enjoy it :D

Shinekawa_1 (ReWrite)


Huft… Gila.. Pelajaran Yamada Sensei memang lagu Nina Bobo yang paling ampuh! Sudah lebih dari lima kali aku nguap gara-gara pelajarannya! Mumpung lagi istirahat aku tidur aja kali, ya?

“WOIIII! BANGUN DASAR TUKANG TIDUR!!!” teriak Kamiya tepat di sebelah telingaku sesaat sebelum aku masuk ke ‘surga dunia’.

“Akh!! Apaan sih?! Ganggu orang tidur aja!” Padahal sebenarnya ‘baru mau tidur’. “Aku lagi pusing tau!” kilahku. Terus terang aku nggak terima dibilang tukang tidur, hehe.

Hello?? Shin yang kece gini tukang tidur? Gila aja! Nggak sudi!

“Hah…, bohong banget deh! Jelas-jelas dari tadi selama pelajarannya Yamada Sensei kamu malah molor! Udah berapa kali kamu nguap, coba?” ledek Kamiya sambil menjewer telinga kiriku.

“Aww! Sakit tau! Seneng amat sih nyiksa orang! Mana sasarannya telinga mulu! Mau gimana lagi pelajarannya itu penghantar tidur terbaik yang pernah kutemui!” sahutku sambil mengelus-elus telingaku yang malang.

“Ahahaha! Aku nggak hobi nyiksa orang kok, tenang aja. Tapi pengecualian buat kamu. Menyiksamu itu momen terindah dalam hidupku,” katanya sambil tertawa mengejek. Sialan.

Whatever! I don’t care!! Toh selama nilaiku tetep bagus Sensei juga nggak peduli dengan tingkah lakuku kok!” Nggak pernah akan adaorang yang peduli padaku.

“Hm… sok inggris! Iya, iya, Shin yang sungguh pintar ini tidak akan pernah kena damprat guru meskipun dia bajingan sekalipun. Ah…so disappointed...,” diapun langsung memasang wajah sok kecewa.

“Apaan sih…,” belum selesai gue ngomong tiba-tiba dia memegangi kepalanya dan baru kusadari wajahnya agak pucat dan penuh dengan keringat. “Emm…, kamu kenapa? Sakit?”

“…, nggak kok… Cuma agak pusing…,” jawab Kamiya lemas.

“Yakin? Aku temenin ke UKS sini!” akupun beranjak dari tempat dudukku dan memapahnya berjalan.

Thanks, Shin…” Kamipun berjalan ke UKS, walaupun sudah pasti diiringi sorakan dari teman-teman sekelas kami… Tapi nggak peduli…, yang penting Kamiya baik-baik saja… Aku rela jadi bahan ejekan selama itu demi orang yang aku suka. Lagian nggak mungkin nolak sih diejek bareng sama orang yang kusukai itu. Read the rest of this entry

Mekakucity Actors FanArt [COLORING ONLY]



Phew! Yeay! Finally~~ Woohoo~ I know and I’m sorry if my coloring is the same with the original, I’m still practicing here. I’ll try my best next time with my own style!

Thanks to :iconnightraytsukishiro: for the lineart!
and thanks to :iconsabre1010: who said my coloring is good~

btw don’t forget to visit my deviant art! :iconaikawamisaki:Give me a fav, watch, and llama! Thank you~

Nyanko Sensei Shimeji!!



Feeling lonely when playing computer?? NOT ANYMOREEEEEE!! I HAVE NYANKO SENSEI SHIMEJI NOW!!! He is moving around like crazy 😀 Download Nyanko Sensei Shimeji from chibbyart.

Warning! He can multiplying :O So when you leave it for a moment…your screen is already full with NYANKO~ ❤

Update Otome Games~ <3


Starry-Sky-After-Spring Starry-Sky-in-Spring winteriamge_1388387811_article

Otome Games has been updated yesterday~ I know it’s only 4 games, but it’s better than nothing 😀 For those who likes Starry Sky series, hurry up and download the game here! And don’t forget about Hakuoki!

Download all the games here~

Happy gaming~ :*

14 Minutes 16 Seconds


Oh, there he is again… Huft, every time I went to the library, I can found him! That handsome man whose age maybe the same with me. We live in the same apartment, but we don’t know each other. Well…just like people A, people B, or people who live next door. I know their face, but I don’t know their name. I bet he thought the same thing as me. But…that handsome man always went to the library and read the same book at the same page all the time! Plus, he wore that long white sleeve again! How many clothes does he have?! Though he looks like L from Death Note with that long white sleeve T-shirt…

Gwaaah! I can’t concentrate because of him! Guess I have to do this work at the apartment… Should return this book first. Umm…if I’m not mistaken this book was in that self…behind that handsome man. Yes, behind that handsome man! Behind ‘long white sleeve man’! Oh, that is a good name for him. Long white sleeve man, haha. Ah, why did I think about his name?! I should return this book! AAAHH! What should I do?! What if I did something weird?! ……, wait a second… What’s wrong with me? He’s just people A or B—I mean long white sleeve man—So why did I became this panic just because of him?! …, I think I’ll borrow this book for now.

“Hm? It’s cloudy outside… And I don’t bring my umbrella. Great…”

And eventually it started raining not long after I left the library. A HEAVY RAIN!! So it’s time to look for a shelter before I got drenched! I would get the bus if I know this would happen! Oh, there is a shelter! Lucky~



Five minutes has passed since then. And the rain just wouldn’t stop I guess! Just then…

“Oh, excuse me…,” it’s the long white sleeve man! Of all the places, he choose to shelter here?! …oh, he got drenched…

“… You can use my handkerchief. It’s better than nothing,” shyly I give him my handkerchief.

“…thanks!” he thank me while smiling to me. Wow! Miracle happened! Thanks rain…

“By the way…you live in the same apartment with me, right?” suddenly he asked me while trying to dry his hair.

“Y-yes…, why?”

“Well, actually I have my umbrella. But here…I  found you waiting for the rain to stop. And I just can’t let you waiting here…alone… So…,” he gave back my wet handkerchief and pull out an umbrella from his bag. “Shall we go home together?”

“D-do you really mean it? I mean…we don’t know each other…and—“

“It’s fine! Really! Come on!” he insist.

“Thank you very much…,”

“Pleasure is mine!” Read the rest of this entry

Papercraft Cancelled!!



I’m trying to make another Kaonashi Papercraft, but…. I CAN”T SEE THE LINES!!! :O I guess I can’t make this one…, sorry, guys… It supposed to be like this:


Btw you can download the papercraft here. Good luck! Use the pepakura viewer to open this file!